About Us

Driving Courses Tailored to Your Needs

Learning to drive can seem intimidating, but it doesn't have to be difficult. With services from Champion Driving Academy in Edmond, Piedmont, NW Oklahoma City, you'll be on the road in no time.

Superb Service since 2006

Students will learn to drive behind the wheel of a vehicle with a safety rating of Excellent from Consumer Reports. Following the lead of our owner, Mike Tucker, we put our 125 years of combined teaching experience to work for you, proving superb one-on-one training.

Teen Driving Courses

Driving Instructors

Mike Tucker

Mike Tucker


Mr. Tucker has over 28 years experience teaching and coaching high school students, prior to starting Champion 15 years ago.

Randy Smith

Randy Smith


Mr. Smith has 37 years experience as a coach, teacher, and driver education instructor in the Putnam City School District.

Tom Plunkett

Tom Plunkett


Mr. Plunkett has been an educator and coach for 35 years throughout Texas and Oklahoma. He is well known as a public announcer at sporting events.

 Lane Tucker

Lane Tucker


Lane graduated from the University of Oklahoma in business in 2018 and has teaching students how to drive since.

Lynn Wilke

Lynn Wilke


Mr. Wilke taught for over 34 years, including 17 years as a driving instructor before joining Champion in 2016.

Lynn Stewart

Lynn Stewart


Mr. Stewart has been in education for over 34 years as a teacher, coach, counselor, principal, and driver education instructor.

Brian Fischer

Brian Fischer


Mr. Fischer drives in his free time on the weekends. He is a very experienced instructor working with Champion Driving for the last 3 years.

Rick Nordyke

Rick Nordyke


Mr. Nordyke currently teaches at Edmond North High School, and has previously taught at UCO driving range.

Lindy Welborn

Lindy Welborn


Mr. Welborn has over 30 years of experience as a coach, teacher, and driver education instructor in the Oklahoma City Area. As well as a Driving Education degree.

Janet Chartney

Janet Chartney


Ms. Chartney has been in education for 27 years. She has taught summer driver education for over 20 years.

Larry Fischer

Larry Fischer


Mr. Fischer is a retired teacher with over 30 years of experience inside the classroom. Mr. Fischer has been on the road teaching students with Champion since 2020.

Mark Howard

Mark Howard


Mr. Howard has taught students how to drive since 2018. Previously teaching students with learning disabilities how to drive before joining Champion Driving this year.

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